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The Priory Primary School

The Priory Primary School

Learning Together

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Learning Together

LPPA Award

LPPA Award


The LPPA Award - Leading Parent Partnership Award is being currently undertaken by the school. Mr Patel will be leading on this aspect and as such will require contributions and support from the parents at the school.


The Award itself recognises the contributions made by parents in the social and educational development of your child. We are using the Leading Parent Partnership Award (LPPA) to help strengthen our school’s partnership with parents. LPPA is a national award that will provide us with a valuable school improvement tool and also give us recognition for our commitment to working with parents.


Involving yourself in your child’s education is an exciting challenge, with excellent benefits for your child, for you, for the school and for the local community. 


Research has identified that, at age 7, a parent’s influence on a child’s learning is six times that of their school and even at 11 years old, it is 29% greater. Increased involvement can raise achievement by at least 18%. No involvement means low or no qualifications at 16.


If you feel that you would like to contribute and support in gaining this Award, then please contact Mr Patel.



Parent Evaluation April 2023


Link to parent evaluation survey report and findings from this questionnaire


Click here for link


Can I thank you for your time and the reponses that you gave. In order to improve in all areas we feel it is important that we get a true evaluation of the school and how stakeholders (parents/carers and children) feel about our systems and how they impact you directly.


In the report, although it was very positive, a strong message was shared where you indicated that communication could be further improved.  



Improving Communication


Issue - Finding out information late


Action - we have already started to amend how we communicate with parents, the newly launched Newsletter has key information and is completed on a fortnightly basis. This ensures that current information is presented to you as well as enabling parents the opportunity to make arranagements for seeing their child/children perform in school. 


NEW (April 11th 2024) - Display boards around school have been updated to show current events taking place. We have colour coded dates so that it is easier to see when their child may be completing an activity or when parents have been asked to attend school to watch thier child.





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The Priory Primary School

The Priory Primary School

Learning Together

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