Promoting British Values
Promoting British Values
The Priory Primary School is committed to promoting the fundamental British values of:
· Democracy
· The rule of the law
· Individual liberty
· Mutual respect
· Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs
At The Priory Primary School pupils will encounter these principles through everyday school life. The curriculum is mapped in detail across the whole school. We are committed to serving unconditionally and recognise multi-culture, multi-faith and the ever changing nature of the United Kingdom. We also understand the central role it has in ensuring that groups and individuals within the school are not subjected to intimidation and radicalisation by those wishing to unduly or illegally influence them.
Our school is dedicated to preparing pupils for their adult life and we will ensure that discrimination against any individual is not tolerated.
Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs
At The Priory Primary School our curriculum explores different cultures, religions and celebrations.
Values project
As part of our work on values, the children were set a project to represent the school’s values in any creative way that they wanted to. It could be a sculpture, story, poem, a piece of writing, picture or a display. The children were encouraged to work in partnership with their parents so that they could discuss the values of ‘The Priory Primary School’ that are displayed in the main Reception.
The amount of inspirational and original ideas that were brought into school was astounding. The children were keen to explain why they had chosen the value and examples of their work were shown in assemblies to encourage others.
The pictures below are examples of some of the values work that was produced. A big thank you has to go to parents and children for being so creative.