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The Priory Primary School

The Priory Primary School

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Learning Together

Our Governors

Summary of Members

The Priory Primary Governing Body




Phillip Butcher - Pen Portrait


Governor Name: Mr Butcher

Type of Governor:  Head Teacher

Member of: Finance & Staffing, Pupil & Curriculum

Connections to Staff: Head Teacher

Other governing posts held: Chair of Governors at The Meadows

Business Declarations: None

Attendance to meetings: 100%

I have been Head Teacher at The Priory Primary School for over 14 years and have seen the school develop and expand into a very well-respected school. I have been an educationalist for over 23 years, although I first qualified and practiced as a Social Worker. I have been fortunate to work in a diverse range of schools and settings as a Teacher, Deputy Head Teacher, Primary Strategy Consultant, and then Head Teacher of an International School in Shanghai before moving to Wednesbury.


It has been through these posts that I have learnt a great deal about leadership, accelerating progress, enhancing the curriculum, and creating change to improve standards. I believe that high-quality teaching is at the heart of every good school and I am very much looking forward to continuing our journey toward excellence; ably supported by a very committed and knowledgeable group of governors.





Governor Name: Mrs Dickenson

Type of Governor:  Associate

Member of: Finance & Staffing and

Premises Health & Safety

Connections to Staff: School Business Manager

Other governing posts held: None

Business Declarations: None

Attendance to meetings: 100%


Elaine Dickenson - Pen Portrait


I have worked at The Priory since February 2006 when I was first employed as a part-time administrator.


In 2014, I was successful in gaining the position of School Business Manager. I am responsible for the strategic development of all business, financial, administrative, operational, and facilities in relation to the school.


I have been an Associate Governor on the Premises, Health and Safety Committee since April 2015 and an advisory member of the Finance and Staffing Committee.





Governor Name: Mrs. Holden

Type of Governor:  Chair of Governors

Date of Appointment: 27/11/14 - 26/11/2026

Member of: Finance & Staffing and

Premises, Health & Safety

Connections to Staff: No

Other governing posts held: None

Business Declarations: None

Attendance to meetings: 100%


Diane Holden - Pen Portrait


I became a Co-opted Governor many years ago whilst teaching at the local secondary school on Friar Park. During my long teaching career there (39 years) I had many roles both academic and pastoral which helped me gain a good knowledge and understanding of the local community.


For the last 8 years, I have been privileged to be Chair of Governors at this wonderful school. Ofsted recognised in November 2021 that 'governors work with leaders to provide the support and challenge needed to develop the school.  They understand the strengths but are also clear about the actions required to improve school further'.


I am determined that pupils attending The Priory receive the best education possible and leave the school with the skills required to succeed in later life.





Governor Name: Mrs. McLaughlan

Type of Governor:  Parent

Vice Chair of Governors

Chair of Finance and Staffing

Date of Appointment:

11/12/23 - 07/02/2024

Member of: Finance & Staffing and

Pupil & Curriculum

Connections to Staff: No

Other governing posts held: None

Business Declarations: None

Attendance to meetings: 100%

Claire McLaughlan - Pen Portrait


I have spent all my life on friar park and attended JEC, and now my child attends The Priory.  I became a parent governor to gain a better understanding of my children’s education.  I use my parent’s perspective to give my opinion on things such as the curriculum, and my experience working in finance to contribute to overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure money is well spent.  I want to help give all pupils the opportunity to achieve their full potential.





Governor Name: Margaret Francis

Type of Governor:  Parent 

Date of Appointment:

30/06/17 - 13/09/2025

Member of: Finance & Staffing and

Premises, Health & Safety

Connections to Staff: No

Other governing posts held: None

Business Declarations: None

Attendance to meetings: 92%


Margret Francis - Pen Portrait


I have worked for over 18 years in an informal and formal educational environment.  Firstly as a Full-Time Youth Worker, and currently as a Learning Support practitioner working with students with Social, Emotional, and Mental Health difficulties.


I joined the Priory Primary Governing Body as a parent governor as I felt that to truly understand how education was working for my children and the wider community I needed to get involved.  I have gained a vast amount of knowledge and experience within the several areas of the Governing Body which has helped me to ensure that pupils of The Priory get the best value and support from all staff and that we continue to offer a quality service to the community.  I'm so delighted to say that I’m a member of this committed team.





Governor Name: Mr. Patel

Type of Governor:  STA

Date of Appointment: 

12/01/16 - 06/02/2024

Member of: 

Connections to Staff: Member of staff

Other governing posts held: None

Business Declarations: None

Attendance to meetings: 100%


Vijay Patel - Pen Portrait


I have worked in Friar Park for twenty years, starting at Tameside Primary and then moving to The Priory. I have been a senior leader for eighteen years and have led on most areas, specifically Maths, Computing, and Science. I am now a facilitator for STEM and I am leading the school in its development.


I have three young children, this enables me to view actions implemented from a parent's perspective. I am a keen sports person, holding the rank of 3rd Dan Black Belt in Kick Boxing and level 10 in Kali.


Being a Teacher Governor at The Priory is always informative and challenging, it gives me the opportunity in driving the school forward and making decisions that have an impact on the life choices of the children that we serve on Friar Park.








Governor Name: Nicola Davies

Type of Governor:  Parent

Date of Appointment: 06/10/2022-

Member of: 

Connections to Staff: No

Other governing posts held: None

Business Declarations: None

Attendance to meetings:  




Nicola Davis - Pen Portrait


I have been a Civil Servant for 19 years and have worked in various departments over this time. I am now part of the management team and have also done outreach work in many schools. I always find it fascinating to see how differently each school operates and feels. I realise how important successful management and first impressions are.


I live locally and have two young boys who both attend The Priory Primary. I still clearly remember my first visit to the school and feeling very overwhelmed at how bright, colourful, friendly, and welcoming it felt. I knew from that moment that this was the school I wanted my children to attend.


I have recently become a Parent Governor and I am very excited to be a part of the team. I feel passionate about The Priory Primary and hope that I can contribute to helping maintain its fantastic reputation.






Governor Name: Jo Heslop

Type of Governor:  

Date of Appointment: 27/11/2023


Member of: 

Connections to Staff: 

Other governing posts held: 

Business Declarations: 

Attendance to meetings: 

Jo Heslop - Pen Portrait




I recently retired after working for the NHS for 42 years; I trained initially as a general nurse, then Midwife and latterly as a Health Visitor.

I had the good fortune to spend my last 12 years of service being one of the Health Visitors based within the Priory Family Centre as part of Surestart programme.

I am a mother of 4 adult children and have 2 grandchildren who live in California (which makes me a bit sad). I love trees and like nothing better than a walk in the local woods. I also like to cycle.

I have never been a school governor before and hope once I gain more understanding and find my niche, I will more ably support and challenge the school, to provide the very best learning experiences for all those children in its community.





Governor Name: Ryan Hodgson

Type of Governor:  

Date of Appointment: 19/01/2024


Member of: 

Connections to Staff: 

Other governing posts held: 

Business Declarations: 

Attendance to meetings: 

Ryan Hodgson 





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